YCSO Rescues Lost Hikers at Granite Mt

A hike on Granite Mountain took a dangerous turn Thursday, ending in a snowy rescue. At around 6:50, the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue team responded to a call on Granite Mountain. Upon reaching the summit, a pair of hikers began to descend the mountain, only to lose their way. After searching for the correct trail for two hours, the man in his 70s and woman in her 50s realized they were in a dangerous situation.

Despite having no signal, the hikers were able to dial 911. A YCSO deputy, along with the Search and Rescue team, immediately responded to the trailhead and quickly determined the safest way to rescue the pair was by helicopter. As dark, windy, and snowy conditions worsened, it appeared the pair might have to wait until morning. Fortunately, YCSO dispatchers were able to communicate with the hikers, allowing the DPS Ranger to locate them. The pair was flown to safety and are reported to be okay.